What happens if I order an out-of-stock item?
We'll notify you of an out-of-stock item soon after your order is received. There are no additional shipping fees for out of stock items. Some of our items are very popular and sell out quickly. Please be patient we’ll be sure the item gets to you as soon as possible.
What if the item I receive is damaged?
We make every effort to ensure that our products are well protected packaged for shipping but there are occasions where an item is damaged during the transit and therefore we want to make it easy for you to get a FREE replacement or refund. Please contact us within 48 hrs so we can properly file a damage claim and process the replacement if the item is still available or a FULL refund.
Why is there a restocking fee?
We dislike the restocking fee as much as you do! Unfortunately, we can't waive this charge as these fees are instated by our suppliers. Each time an item is returned to the warehouse a fee is charged in order to cover the costs of the product inspection, product repackaging, and product reshelving.
Product prices stay competitive because we do not add additional costs at the time of purchase, only when items are returned.
Many returned items are also not eligible for resale, so the costs a returned item is quite high. For a small family run store like ours, we are constantly looking for ways to save you money and provide you with the products you'll enjoy using.
Please know that we do our best to sell in this vastly competitive online market. We truly appreciate your business.